Creating and Downloading Statistics Reports

StageClip offers the ability to create a report within Producer that gives you viewing and sharing statistics on all your events within a given time period. This report can be created in the Producer platform, and can be downloaded as a PDF file. To create a report, log in to your Producer account and navigate to the Analytics menu by selecting the icon on the left hand menu.  Then choose the "Report" tab at the top of the page.

Next, select your Institution (if you are the admin of more than one, you'll be able to pick from a list) and the date range you would like the report to cover.  The default date range is 100 days from the current date.

Once you've selected dates, click on the "Search" button on the far right, and the data below will change accordingly. Stats include Number of Clips Produced, Top 5 Sharing Platforms and Global Reach. If you would like to export a PDF version of this report, click the 'Export as PDF' button at the top right side of the page.

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