Exporting Survey Responses from Producer

If you included surveys with your event, you can export the survey responses in Excel format at anytime.  The results are updated in real time, and will include all responses to date.  You can choose to export results from an individual event, or for all events using one particular survey.

To download survey responses from a single event

  1. Navigate to your events list using the left side menu and select the desired event from the list
  2. Select the Surveys tab from the top menu
  3. Choose to either download an overview report of the survey responses as a PDF document, or to download all responses as a detailed spreadsheet in the form of an Excel file.

To download survey responses from all events

  1. Navigate to the Analytics page using the left side menu
  2. Select the Survey tab fromt the top menu
  3. Set your date range to include the date your survey was created.  If your survey was created on a date outside of the set range, it will not appear on this list.
  4. Click the three dots to the right of the survey title and select Export Results.  This will download a detailed spreadsheet in the form of an Excel file.

If you need further assistance, please contact your StageClip representative, or email support at clientsupport@stageclip.com.

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