YouTube Copyright Issues

The first rule of copyright

Creators should only upload videos that they have made or that they're authorized to use. That means that they should not upload videos that they didn't make or use content in their videos that someone else owns the copyright to, such as music tracks, snippets of copyrighted programmes or videos made by other users, without necessary authorizations.

What this means for your event

  • Do not use copyrighted music in your speech videos, even if you claim to have the approval to use it. YouTube has a guilty until proven innocent policy and it will take time to prove you can use this music.
  • Reject any student-submitted videos that includes copyrighted music or video footage. You can explain the reason why you’re rejecting the content and request the student upload a new video. It is better to be safe than sorry.
  • Do not upload copyrighted music to play underneath the student roll-call. If you are unsure, use one of the tracks that StageClip provides in the standard asset library.

How to be notified of any copyright issues (Content ID claim)

When a copyright claim (YouTube calls it Content ID claim) has been made on one of your videos, you will receive an email from YouTube. This will be the same email address that is connected with your YouTube channel. If you do not own your YouTube channel, the person who does will need to check their email and notify you.

What types of copyright claim are there? (Content ID claim)

To find out more about what Content ID is, please see this article:

If you receive a claim, there are three possible situations that can occur:

  • The claimant monetizes the video
    • This adds small adverts that occasionally overlay your video content. You do not have control over the advert content, but a viewer can remove them from the screen by clicking ‘x’ in the top-right corner.
  • The claimant partially blocks the video in select regions
    • This blocks the video being viewed in certain countries around the world
  • The claimant blocks the video being viewed publicly.
    • This means that nobody except the channel owner can view your video

What do I do if I receive a copyright claim? - YouTube

To see what part of your video has caused the copyright claim:

  1. Navigate to
  2. Click on the title of the video that has ‘Copyright claim’ under the ‘Restrictions’ column. You can also see here if the claim has caused your video to be blocked in any countries by looking out for a yellow or red ‘eye’ icon. A yellow icon indicates that the video is partially blocked (only certain countries) and a red icon indicates that the video is entirely blocked. 

    NOTE: If neither of these icons appear, your video is viewable but may contain adverts. It is up to you if you want to allow that or continue onwards to solve the problem.
  3. On the edit video page, you’ll see the Visibility and Restriction details on the right-hand side. Click on the ‘See details’ button to bring up more information about the restrictions
  4. A pop-up will show you more information about the restrictions. If your visibility is ‘Partially blocked’ or ‘Blocked, you’ll be able to see the list of countries it is blocked. For ‘Partially blocked’ videos, you may choose to ignore the copyright claim if you are happy for the video not to be viewable in those countries.
  5. On the same pop-up at the bottom, you will see the content that was flagged as being copyrighted and the time in your video at which the content appears. By clicking on the ‘Select action’ button, you’ll be presented with some options to deal with the claim from within YouTube. The quickest option is the ‘Mute Song’ which mutes audio at that point in the video – however it will mute all sound, so if there is sound playing at the same time as the song e.g. someone speaking, then it will remove that too. 

What do I do if I receive a copyright claim? - Producer

If you have been unable to solve the problem from within YouTube, the easiest thing to do next is to remove the offending content from the video in Producer. To do this:

  1. Delete the video on YouTube. Navigate to and click on the ‘three-dot’ icon of the video you want to delete. Then click ‘Delete Forever'.
  2. Edit and re-upload your speeches if the copyrighted content is there or reject the submission from the student if the copyrighted content is there.
  3. Regenerate your ceremony in the Ceremony & Clips tab of your event
  4. Once the ceremony has been regenerated, click the ‘Re-upload to YouTube’ button on the Publishing tab.
  5. Once the upload is complete, you can go to YouTube and check you Restrictions and Visibility columns to see if your new video has any copyright claims.

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